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JORDYN SMITH is an independent literary editor based in New York City, where she has garnered years of editorial experience working with top agents at premier literary agencies. Previously a literary agent, Jordyn is passionate about helping writers communicate their ideas with clarity, strength, and authenticity. She would love to help guide your next project to its highest level of completion.


Over the course of her career as a publishing professional and independent editor, Jordyn has worked across a wide array of creative and academic writing, including manuscripts, screenplays, stage plays, professional websites, social media sites, resumés, CVs, academic research, query letters, and more. In books, Jordyn edits across all genres and styles, ranging from children's to adult in both fiction and non-fiction.

Jordyn has been an active member of the Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators as well as a writing coach through the organization New York Cares. In 2016, she won the Gotham Writers Twitter contest and was awarded a full course in their writing program. Topping her list of most beloved authors are Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway, Shel Silverstein, and A.A. Milne.


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